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RGAVP registered as Society on 27.10.2011

  • Society registered under Rajasthan Societies Act-1958.
  • Hon’ble Chief Minister is the Chairman of the Society.
  • Chief Secretary, GoR is the Chairman of the Empowered Committee.
  • State Mission Director (LPs & SHGs) is the Member Secretary of the Society.
  • All rural livelihood programmes in the State will be henceforth implemented under the aegis of the RGAVP.
  • Conceiving effective poverty alleviation schemes and getting them funded from the State Government, Government of India, and other Funding Agencies.
  • Bring about effective convergence amongst government and non government initiatives being undertaken for rural development.
  • Facilitate formation and strengthening of SHGs, producers organization, community development organizations, federations of SHGs.
  • Facilitate promotion of small and micro enterprises in the areas of farm and nonfarm sectors for income enhancement of the poor.