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From provider to facilitator ABOUT RAJEEVIKA

RGAVP is an autonomous society established in October2010 by the Government of Rajasthan under the administrative control of Department of Rural Development. Registered under Society Registration Act, 1956 it is mandated to implement all rural livelihoods programs associated with SHG based institutional architecture in the state.

The Society aims at creating financially sustainable and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor, enabling them to increase household income through sustainable livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial and selected public services and to build their capacities to deal with the rapidly changing external socio-economic and political world. Its approach is to support the development of livelihood opportunities for the rural poor, especially women and marginalized groups, through community institutions.

To enhance economic opportunities and empowerment of the rural poor with focus on women and marginalized groups of rajasthan


Promote community institutions like Women’s SHGs, VOs, federations, and producer organizations

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Entered Block
Entered Villages
Household Covered
Self Help Groups
Village Organizations
Cluster Level Federations
SHGs Having Revolving Fund (T1)
SHGs Having Livelihoods Fund (T2)
Vulnerability Reduction Fund (VRF)
Households Covered under Livelihoods Support
Saturation Status
Social Capitalization


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समूह से जुड़ने के बाद मेरा जीवन खुशहाल हो गया और अब मैं गरीब महिलाओ को इससे जुड़ने की सलाह देती हूँ
ऐजन देवी
केकड़ी, अजमेर

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